Featuring Hayk Petrosyan, Iveta Mukuchyan, Gor Sujyan, and Srbuk, accompanied by Karen Ananyan
Ticket Information
To purchase tickets for Glendale concert, select the date, and then click on a section from the map below and make your ticket selection, then proceed to check-out. For technical supportor to purchase handicap ADAseats, you may emailsupport@itsmyseat.comor call 818.538.4911.
Both nights SOLD OUT!
Alex Theatre Glendale, CA
Date & Time
Fri Nov 17th 7:30PM
Sat Nov 18th 7:30PM
Tickets ranges $60 to $150 plus a ticketing and facility fees. Tickets may be purchased online here on itsmyseat.com/aznavour or by calling 818.538.4911
This exceptional concert is a tribute to the iconic artist, featuring captivating performances by renowned Armenian vocalists Hayk Petrosyan, Iveta Mukuchyan, Gor Sujyan, and Srbuk,accompanied by the masterful musical arrangements of Karen Ananyan.